Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Work

So I finely have some new work to share. I'm super excited about my new horse art and have been crazy busy editing and printing test prints before getting them up on my Etsy shop.  I've been kind of obsessed with shooting horses lately and have 3 new pieces to show for it. The first I'm crazy about and have already framed and hung on my own wall.  It's titled, "Intense Beauty"... and he is, isn't he?!

The next two are "Strong & Silent #1"...

and "Strong & Silent #2". 

These both look good alone but I love them together as part of a dyptych!

I have many more new pieces to share with you so if you're interested head on over to my Etsy Store to check them out!

I'll be back early next week with more from my Italy trip. But for now, here's a little teaser.

Ciao for now!

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